Friday, August 28, 2009

What Up, What Up?!

Man I'm slackin yo....My bad yall. But anyway, I finished my first week of school today. I think this semester is gonna be straight. My classes are cool and I love the atmosphere and the feeling I get when I'm on campus. I just feel like I'm going somewhere...Let's pray that really happens lol...

On another note, I went to my first frat party this semester last night. SAE's can throw down. I like their parties because it's always a great mix of people. they're a white fraternity but a lot of black people go to their parties so its a real cool atmosphere...

I need to get back on my internet shit tho. I'm gradually gettin back into it. I'm startin to get on twitter a lot more now (@AVtheJEDI ... follow my ass so I can stop talkin to myself on there lol I got almost 200 followers but I can't get any replies...maybe I'm just on at bad times) and of course I'm still always on facebook ....

But I just wanted to get back on for a minute and let yall know I'm still alive (Thank God btw).. get at me and be easy!!!



Gambitt said...

welcome back.....again.
ol'disappear and re-appear ass nigga.

glad 2 hear you doing good and everything is leveled.

AyVee23 said...

LOL...good lookin tho. Yeah things are finally fallin in place again. but yeah since school started I think I'll be on my shit more often. But whats been good with you, havent got a chance to check ur blog in a minute. You ever get the headphones/speakers thing worked out?

Gambitt said...

should have some BBDD here by Monday thanx to the boy P.A.